Friday, March 11, 2016

Mehndi-inspired t-shirt

One of my ongoing projects is perfecting a flattering, well-fitting t-shirt pattern. It takes a few iterations and I think I’m close.

My latest iteration is a white t-shirt. I’m dressing it up with Mehndi-inspired

The doodles are drawn using a black Stained by Sharpie fabric marker with a brush tip. This marker gave me the best line quality overall. Line quality was clearest when I held the marker vertically–there was less drag against the knit fabric.

I used contact shelf paper to stabilize the fabric and keep it from stretching and moving around while doodling. I tried embroidery stabilizer first. Then I discovered the contact paper works just as well. Which is good because I had a lot of it and not much of the stabilizer. The contact paper also proved effective at preventing bleed-through by the marker. Win!

The doodling part is about done. Next up is coloring. Who needs a coloring book when you have a t-shirt?

And... We're back

Littleberry Makes is back after a too-long hiatus. The past year or so has seen a lot of making but very little posting.

In the intervening time, I gave some serious thought to how (or if) I wanted to move this blog forward. One of the stumbling blocks was writing up something after finishing up a project. That turned into a bigger task than I could keep up with. And, when it came down to a choice of writing versus making? Making almost always won.

For now, I’m going to focus on publishing photos of works in progress with an eye towards my making methods. You’ll probably see some of this on Twitter and Instagram (@littleberry for both), too.

Ready for more making?